Friday, July 30, 2010


It's been a while since I blogged, and the primary reason is that my interest in WarCraft dropped off the table over the past couple of months. I'm a fairly self-aware person, so I can probably list the reasons why my interest has waned:
  • Transitioning from pvp to pve gear on my priest, I was mocked for trying to heal in pvp gear. I understand it's not mana-efficient, but a person has to start somewhere. That's crap I just don't need to deal with.

  • My rogue is weapon-capped unless I raid, and my damage is capped unless I improve my weapons. There's basically no way to improve at this point unless I raid, and even if people were seeking rogues for raids, I'm not seeking to endure raiders and their endless ventrilo crap-flinging sessions. Umadbro?

  • The prospect of Blizzard forcing users to reveal their real name on the forums highlighted how much they've forgotten who their playerbase really is.

  • My son plays WarCraft and enjoys talking about it all the time. I like talking about other things from time to time, and there's only so many times you can recite the raid bosses in Karazahn or wonder about the role of the Guardian of Tirisfal, etc.

  • If you don't raid, there's nothing to do but achievements and alts. I already have over 2,000 levels of alts, and I don't get any enjoyment from knocking out achievements. They're fun when they happen, but they're not fun to chase.

  • The community is still stupid, foulmouthed, and terrible.
I finally buckled down and picked up a copy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and it's a lot more fun than WarCraft is for pvp, by far. Aside from the occasional hacker, games are balanced, and you always have the ability to kill your opponent by being smart rather than just having superior weapons or being really twitchy. WarCraft doesn't come close to how much fun the pvp is. Not even in the same ballpark.

I'm a PC player, not console, so if you see me online as Sussemilch gimme a shout.