For those who are not familiar with dual specs, it allows you to switch back and forth (out of combat) between talent specializations. For a priest this means that sometimes I can be healing as a holy priest and sometimes I could do damage as a shadow priest.
I never really went shadow, fully. I tried it a long time ago with my original priest and was kind of disappointed at the results. I didn't kill stuff that much faster, I was still basically shield-and-cast, sit-and-drink. Looking at the shadow tree it seems that there have been some improvements made to the talents since then that should make life easier.
The one that sticks out in my mind as the best change is to Vampiric Embrace. Having it a self-buff instead of a dot that consumes a GCD and can be applied to only one target is a major improvement. It's more of a cast-and-forget benefit, which makes DPS more relaxing and less like an affliction warlock trying to juggle DoTs.
I've got about 100 gold to go before I can afford it, but either today or tomorrow I'll probably have the gold and will buy my second spec. These are the talents I'm looking at, feel free to comment on my choices:

Ended up buying dual spec for the priest. I'm not really feeling it yet, it's not too special... probably because I don't have the gear to make it shine yet.