Friday, April 23, 2010

World of Lazycraft

Laziness. Is it even appropriate to talk about being lazy in a game? I mean, it's a game. Isn't that the purpose? To relax and have fun?

I have two level 80 characters on my primary server/faction right now, and I don't really feel like playing them to improve them. I like the idea of logging in and playing them for fun, but their gear is to the point that I don't really care how much better they get. They're geared well enough to handle the content that I'm willing to entertain, so that pretty much means they're finished.

My rogue has a 5k gear score and my priest is hovering around 4500. That means that I'm very well geared for heroics dungeons, and can do some raids if I wanted. Unfortunately, raids have probably spoiled me. When raiding I tend to hunker down and get clinical and don't relax very much, because if I mess up a whole bunch of people die, food buffs are wasted, etc. I don't think I can relax while raiding anymore.

When I'm tanking I feel a responsibility to make things go smooth, and keep up the pace. When healing I have to pay attention and heal people through damage. When I'm DPS, I worry about doing enough damage to justify my spot. All those things get amplified in a raid setting, and detract from just having fun with the game.

So more and more lately when I'm done with my daily chores (quests, heroics) I log on to my baby hunter alt and pew pew arrows at stuff. No responsibility, no challenge, lots of relaxing fun. Call me lazy for not farming badges until I get a nosebleed, but I prefer to play the fun parts of the game.

1 comment:

  1. Do you really make those "pew, pew" sounds out loud as you shoot your arrows?

    That's so awesome. Just the mental visual is threatening to give me a gigglefit.
