Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We Didn't Start the Crying

Yesterday the typical server maintenance extended past the expected 2pm deadline, and people came out of the woodwork to flood the forums with their QQ. It never ceases to amaze me what people think they are entitled to when the servers get a hiccup, and how much customer service they think they deserve for their $15 every month.

To honor their incessant crying I reposted an old song rewrite of mine. It's filled with all the things that people have whined about for one reason or another since 2004, and intended to be sung to this Billy Joel song.

Rested state, hearthstones, auction houses, leper gnomes
Uldaman, Gnomeregan, dishonorable kills

Zeppelins/boats, hunter class, level 60 xp cap
Swivel cam, deeprun tram, swirly ball, tradeskills

Winter Veil, Maraudon, fishing in Stranglethorn
Eye of Shadow, Launcher App, Arathi Basin

Shadowflame, Zul'Gurub, global chat, L2P n00b
Dungeon timers, world dragons, Kazzak kited to Stormwind

We didn't start the crying
The QQ hasn't ceased
Since warcraft's been released
We didn't start the crying
You say it breaks the game
But play it just the same

Naxxaramus, shard bags, weather effects, server lag
Class talent revamps, Love is in the air

Shamans overpowered, linked auction houses
Tier 0.5, AQ hive, main tank is a bear

Arena teams, voice chat, rogues stabbing in the back
Plagueland towers, camped for hours, Silithyst is sand

Quel'Thalas, Azuremyst, Tseric logs out really pissed
Brewfest, Hallow's End, through the portal to Outland

We didn't start the crying
The QQ hasn't ceased
Since warcraft's been released
We didn't start the crying
You say it breaks the game
But play it just the same

Trade your epic gear for greens, blood elves dominate the scene
Karazhan, Zul'Aman, warriors rage

Warlock nerfs, server locusts, Coilfang, set focus
Arcane shot, druid HoTs, kite Tin Man cross the stage

+Healing/Spell, Halaa, retcons, Akama
MP5, Maghar alive, max debuff stack

Welfare gear, arena's quear, Metzen the Reindeer
AV NPC's axed, TK merely a setback

We didn't start the crying
The QQ hasn't ceased
Since warcraft's been released
We didn't start the crying
You say it breaks the game
But play it just the same

Gemcuitting, Inscription, engineering's just for fun
Heroic dungeons, badge gear, you are not prepared

Dalaran and back again, no class trainers in Northrend
Tier looks dreary, Martin Fury, nobles deck to darkmoon faire

Gear score, get on vent, grind rep with argent tournament
Midair combat, Patchwerk in three minutes flat

South Park, Ulduar, Garrosh and the Chin
Might as well pack it in, all your gear's replaced in Cat again

We didn't start the crying
The QQ hasn't ceased
Since warcraft's been released
We didn't start the crying
You say it breaks the game
But you still log on, and on, and on, and on...

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