Wednesday, May 19, 2010

IC: Stormwind City Reserves OOC: OMG! 89 DEGREES! IN MAY!

Fritzy Here!

I feel like talking about my rp guild, the Stormwind City reserves. I like the people in my guild OOC, mostly because they are very social, funny, kinda... quirky... and just plain old fun. However, these people are hardcore RPers, and they have a very unpopular record. Mostly because of what they do IC. In IC, they are a strict army guild based in Stormwind and they sort of act like the Police. They are competative with many people, like some guild like White Sigil, Stormwind Vanguard, etc. They also are friends with some guilds, but I don't remember any (IT IS A SIGN!!! *cough*). They have strict RP rules, training, patrols, a UNIFORM, etc and all that good stuff... If you wanna find out more, go to, and read the handbook before even trying to get in the guild, cuz they have specific rules, not too many (MANY), and they are easy to follow, but if you break them, your booted.

OCC, this weekend, it is suppose to be 89 degrees! too hot for may! Global Warming is taking over! Stop Global Warming! it is bad! please!!!!!!

KK, byez!!!!!!! See yah on WoW!!!!

Go do Scarlet Monastary! Gosh!

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