Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fishing and Lies

Rugged leather, rugged leather, rugged leather. There's a reason why people can charge 100g a stack for this stuff and get away with it; once in a while you need to get something done and you absolutely must have rugged leather, and only a skinner can provide it. The stuff only comes from L50+ animals, and people never stay around Azeroth past level 58 anymore when the drops become common, they head straight to Outland and start questing.

Anyway, I need some of the stuff for making Ogre Suits for one of the two Knot Thimblejack quests in Dire Maul. Each turnin requires a couple of rune thread (easy), bolts of runecloth, and 8 pieces of rugged leather. I'm not paying 100g for a stack of leather, I don't care how much time it saves me, so the alternative -- is fishing.

I logged in my druid and grabbed my fishing pole and started searching for pools of floating junk to fish up mithril chests with, and because some of the notes said that I could get trunks from stonescale eel pools, I fished the eels also. Total lies. I ended up with three stacks of eels and only one trunk the whole time I was fishing eels. The floating wreckage was perfect though. I ended up with a lot of thick leather, plenty of bolts of runecloth, and enough rugged leather to do the job. Thankfully also, when you loot the gordok key and free Knot Thinblejack he leaves behind a cache of leatherworking/tailoring mats in a box and sometimes there's rugged leather in there also.

So about two hours of fishing STV, Feralas, and Tanaris, a complete clear of UBRS to farm for pristine black diamonds (none dropped all night) and a couple of clears of Dire Maul on my rogue and I was about 1000 rep higher on my goblin factions. This is going to take a long, long time to finish. I don't mind farming the older instances because all kinds of interesting stuff drops, and because my rogue is still an enchanter I can d/e the greens and blues I get and sell the materials. But I sure hope my Heroes Deck sells so I can blow money on buying pristine diamonds instead of farming them... I'm going to need about 80 of them all together, and I still need to buy/craft darkmoon decks too.

Actually, I should probably be farming Stratholme for the pristine black diamonds on my rogue instead. I wouldn't mind getting the Argent Champion title while I'm at it, and I need the abomination stitchings for libram turn-ins. I'll just have to remember to kill everything instead of stealthing past it all. I need blood of heroes too. And skin of shadow. Maybe I should spend an evening doing that instead of fishing.

So many things to do! Much better than twiddling my thumbs saying "nothing to do." Thank goodness I upgraded all my rogue's bags to 20 slots last night.

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