Tuesday, June 1, 2010

OMG. Dungeons Heroics and Raids! (Oh my!)

One thing I DESPISE about WoW: Farming. Farming Mats, farming badges, farming (my favorite thing $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) Gold... all of it, I do not like farming, but... I am happy to anounce... my achievement (not actual achievement in-game...) of getting an entire set.

The set is very familiar to all level 80 mages: Khadgar!!!!!!!

This set I love, it is a purplish grey, and it is misty...

This set is bought from the cloth armor sellers in the "Threads of Fate" in Dalaran, across from the inn, "A Hero's Welcome". This set is bought with NO money, only Emblems of Triumph. I am thinking of farming the EXTREMELY HARD Bloodmage set, but... that would take hardcore raiding >.>... I need Frost Badges for that... well, below is the link to the armor sets.

Khadgar = http://www.wowhead.com/itemset=843
Bloodmage = http://www.wowhead.com/itemset=-247

Well, see ya!!!!!

(LFM: Simple ways to farm gold QQ)

1 comment:

  1. Will your guild even let you wear the Bloodmage set? I thought they required you to wear blue and yellow gear..?
