Thursday, July 19, 2012

Warcraft Lore for Dummies - Part V


After the First War both the Horde and their human enemies went through many changes. King Terenas enlisted the support of the kingdoms of Gilneas, Stromgarde, Dalaran, alterac, and Kul Tiras. He also managed to gain the support of the Dwarves of Ironforge and Aerie Peak, and the Gnomes of Gnomeregan. He also asked the High Elves to join, but they said suck it and only sent a couple guys to watch. These groups banded together under one banner and were known as the Fellowship of – er, The Alliance.

Meanwhile, Orgrim Doomhammer took control of the Horde from Gul’dan and the Shadow Council and reinforced their ranks with orcs and ogres from beyond the dark portal. The Goblins saw that the Horde was mighty but dumb, so they joined in to provide some vital services for hefty profits. They also used the Demon Soul to enslave Alexstrasza and the majority of the red dragons. Gul’dan wasn’t happy about not being in charge, but he contributed also, creating the first Death Knights in service of the Warchief.

Six years after the end of the war the Horde got bored and decided to PvP. First they attacked from Blackrock Mountain to the dwarves in Khaz Modan, and secondly they launched naval attacks against Zul’dare, Tol Barad, the Wetlands, Arathi Highlands, and the southern coast of Lordaeron. They attacked Southshore, Tarren Mill and Hillsbrad with the aid of maps from the nation of Alterac.

Zul’jin and his champions were discovered in a prison near Tarren Mill, and Doomhammer had them rescued. In return the trolls offered to help the Horde take Lordaeron and reclaim their ancestral forests from the High elves.

The Horde crushed Loch Modan and pushed the dwarves back to Ironforge, but they couldn’t really do anything against a city inside a mountain, so they kept going north and invaded the Wetlands. There they established a base of operations at Grim Batol, and converted Dun Algaz and Dun Modr into Horde bases. Grim Batol also became a hatchery for the enslaved red dragons. At the northern shore of the Wetlands many battles were fought on the Thandol Span (big bridge).

Finally, after diverting Lothar’s army at Aerie Peak, the Horde succeeded in invading Quel’Thalas by going through the mountains (of what we know now as the Eastern Plaguelands) and got as far as Eversong Woods before Alliance forces arrived.

This pissed off the elves, so they finally joined the Alliance for real. They pushed the Horde back to shores of Hillsbrad, but not before Gul’dan could plunder elven runestones that he used to make Ogre-Magi for the war effort. Lothar split his army to push on two fronts. One half stayed in the Hinterlands to fight the trolls and destroy the Horde still camped there, and the other half cleared out the elven forests. The armies of Lordaeron and Quel’Thalas swept through the Arathi Highlands, pushing the Horde back to the Thandol Span. They pushed south and retook Dun Algaz, but were unable to siege Grim Batol. Even so, their offensive shattered the Horde armies and caused them to retreat from Khaz Modan.

After the defeat at Khaz Modan there was a brief cessation of fighting, during which the Alliance decided to rescue Lordaeron, so they called on Uther Lightbringer and his Knights of the Silver Hand to rescue survivors (at this point Paladins were mainly healers and didn’t have Ret or Prot spec yet). While there they discovered that Lord Perenolde of Alterac had been giving information to the Horde, so they arrested him and imprisoned him in Stromgarde.

Perenolde’s treason had led the Horde all the way to the walls of Lordaeron, and they started attacking the capital. Troops from Stromgarde cut off the roads south, and the whole Alliance army converged on the Horde, but they were unable to defeat them at first. Then Gul’dan, like an idiot, took the Stormreaver and Twilight Hammer clans with him to find Sargeras’ Tomb. They found it, but it was empty, aside from a bunch of imprisoned demons that tore them all to shreds. They all died, including Gul’dan, and they kept his skull as a souvenir for their dark rituals.

Doomhammer facepalmed and tried to stop Gul’dan and the clans from running away. The Alliance were like “LOL!” and used the opportunity to kick the Horde’s ass and retake Lordaeron. Doomhammer’s forces and the red dragons caught up with the traitors, and killed the ones that hadn’t already been slaughtered by the demons from the Tomb.

So with the Alliance crushing the Horde armies and the Horde factions killing each other, the Alliance facerolled them all the way back to Blackrock Mountain. The Horde defended it, with Doomhammer killing Lothar in a titanic duel that everyone forgot to Fraps. Turlyon took command and won the day, taking Doomhammer prisoner, and the orcs retreated to the dark portal. There the final battle took place, and a ragged Horde army was defeated by Alliance forces, with Horde commanders carried away in chains.

Khadgar, with an escort of brave warriors, destroyed the dark poral, officially ending The Second War.

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